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Store Policy

We Love the Feedback from Players, Coaches and Fans

So you didn't see your sport... Well let us know which sport.  If we get enough interest and support to produce the hat, we will gladly make a hat for the players.


Have ideas or thoughts on design for the hats?  Let us know.  You can also request to be notified and vote on design concepts. Your input could help influence the final design concept.  Talk about bragging rights! 


We are working on summer versions, stretch hats versions, limited edition versions as well.  If you would like to sign-up to provide feedback and evaluate new hat designs and concepts please subscribe below.  

No Compensation

Position Hats, LLC is not soliciting your input in regards to a working relationship, no compensation in any form will be provided for any input provided by you, including images, design, concepts, color or product in anyway.  Position Hats, LLC is not entering any form of working relationship with any provider for thoughts, ideas or concepts. Any input provided by customers, fans, readers or others will be considered provided of free will without any claim to past, present or future earnings, sales, profits or credit.  Input may be used to create product that is more appealing to you and/or others without any forms of compensation owed to provider.  

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